Click It or Ticket 2019- Seat Belt Safety Is Important!

For more than 20 years the Click It or Ticket campaign educates young teens and adults about the importance of seat belt safety.

click it or ticket, 2019 Arizona

It’s that time again, school is letting out, and more teenagers and young adults are on the road. It also means it’s time for the annual Click It or Ticket campaign from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Beginning in 1993 this long-running campaign does a great job of enforcing and educating seat belt laws around our country. Arizona is of no exception.

Arizona always has rules about driving safety in effect. Drivers and front seat occupants are to wear a seat belt, and they may give you a ticket if you are pulled over without one on, although, this is a secondary infraction (as of 2019). However, children 5 years of age or under not being properly secured in a child seat is an offense they can pull you over for. Although these infractions only lead to a ticket, or added penalty to another offense, it doesn’t mean that wearing a seat belt is of any less importance.

These crash stats about the lives saved by restraints use by the NHTSA show that seat belts save lives: 

Year Lives Saved, Age 4 and Younger Lives Saved, Age 5 and Older Additional Lives That Could Have Been Saved at 100-Percent Use
Child Restraints Seat Belts Seat Belts
2013 263 12,644 2,771
2014 253 12,801 2,877
2015 273 14,062 2,715
2016 334 14,753 2,471
2017 325 14,955 2,549
Arizona 4 35 50
Table Source: Source: 2012–2016 Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) Final Files and FARS 2017 Annual Report Files.

About the author: Dan Deary is president of Capitol Collision Repair, one of the largest, independent body shops in Phoenix, now in their 31st year in business.

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