Halloween Safety Tips for Drivers, and Parents.

Don’t be impatient, drive extra cautious and be aware!

Although you should always keep kids in mind when you are driving, with Halloween around the corner it’s good to keep in mind driving safety especially if you live in a busy residential area, or an apartment/townhome complex.

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For the driver:

drive smart on halloweenDrive Slow – The first and most important thing to do when driving where there may be trick or treaters present is drive slowly. Don’t be in a hurry as kids can come out of nowhere. We all know how unpredictable kids can be, much less kids with a sugar buzz and knowing more free candy is at the next door.

Be Aware – Of course driving you always try and keep an eye out for danger, but on this night your massive hunk of moving metal is the real danger. So keep your peripheral vision active as if you are a lifeguard on an Australian beach in the middle of shark season. (is there a shark season?) But really, make sure you keep your eyes up and looking for that kid in the black ninja costume or the knee high toddler, they probably won’t be looking out for you as much as they are focused on the next house in their target.

Be extra cautious when entering, and exiting driveways, alleys, and apartment/townhome complex entrances – Kids will feel extra safe when leaving a house and hurrying when approaching a house. With entrances having blind spots such as walkways and gates, a trick or treater can pop out at a moments notice. It can be easy to be focused on pulling into your garage, or entering a gate code but take an extra moment and make sure it is clear before proceeding.

Watch out for parked cars, trash containers, and miscellaneous blind spots – Much like the last bullet points, being extra aware and driving slow is key when driving past a parked car, or object that can block your view of the sidewalk, or street. Kids don’t always look before they leap, and this is true when crossing the road, they can easily rush out from behind a parked car and step into the road at a moments notice. It is your duty to be alert and use caution.

Don’t pass a stopped vehicle – If you see a stopped car on the road chances are they are picking up or dropping off their kids, be patient and let them finish what they are doing and make sure it is clear before moving on.

Halloween Safety TipsDon’t allow yourself to be distracted while driving – This is true when driving normally, but when you are in an area that may have kids present this is a must. Keep your eyes off of your radio, put your phone down, and let that phone call or text wait until you are safely stopped. When driving anything can happen, and when kids are around it’s that much more likely that their excitement will overtake them and they may run out in front of you expecting you to stop. If you aren’t paying attention there is no way you will stop your car, driving on Halloween takes your full attention.

Let the kids cross the road, and help them if need be – Ok so you managed to see the trick or treaters and you have come to a full stop. Some kids may not know what to do or may be too afraid to cross the road with a car there. Look to make sure that the road is clear from other drivers and you are stopped, then flag them through. A simple hand gesture or beep of the horn can alert the kids that it is safe for them to cross, and you are doing your good deed for the day.

We are sure there are more tips for driving safely on Halloween but it really comes down to you the driver being alert and aware. There are more kids and pedestrians on the streets, and with the excitement in the air they can be acting even more unpredictable than usual.

As parents taking your kids out or letting them go alone on Halloween can be fun, and taking into mind some safety tips and precautions can make for a fun and safe evening.

Tips for the trick or treater and parents:

Car Repair before and after.

Drive safe when trick or treaters are presentUse a flashlight – Hold a flashlight to make sure drivers see you. If you want to make it more fun, hold a bike light and set it to its strobe function, or tie a couple glow sticks to the costume. Make sure they are in a place that will be visible, especially when crossing the road, but don’t shine it directly at drivers as it may distract them.

Reflective tape – Place some reflective tape on your child’s costume, and candy bucket. Adding a couple pieces of reflective safety tape can add to the visibility of your child’s costume, and make them easier to spot as they are walking along the sidewalk, or crossing the street.

Teach them how to cross a road safely – Of course, you will want to experience the night with your child but if you happen to let them out alone, or walk ahead of you make sure they know the rules of crossing the road. This is something you should teach your child for any day, but stress the importance before they leave in their pursuit of candy. Make sure they know to look both ways, and when it is safe to cross. Also underscore the importance of not stepping out into the road from between parked cars, or potential blind spots from the road.

Drop off and pick up – When dropping off your kids find a safe place to park, turn on your hazard lights, and make sure you alert other motorists of your intentions by signaling. If you notice someone trying to pass you as your kids are approaching or leaving the vehicle give your horn a beep to alert them to the danger.

Hold hands – If you have an especially little ghost or just enjoy embarrassing your older monster. Hold their hand and guide them across the road.

Go out in a group – Avoid going trick or treating alone, going in a group will make your kids more visible. If possible make sure they go to yourself or a trusted adult.

You can check the Arizona sex registry here to see if there are particular houses to avoid. https://www.azdps.gov/Services/Sex_Offender/

The team at Capitol Collision Repair wishes you a spooky and fun Halloween and keeping in mind these Halloween safety tips, we hope they help you have a hauntingly great time!

Give us a call to make an appointment 602-253-1630, or Request a FREE estimate.

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